
Sunday, 13 April 2014

方解石 (Calcite)




方解石主要化学成份是碳酸钙,是一种最为(随处而按)的宝石,本身有多种不同的颜色,如白,黄,红,蓝,灰,绿,棕,橙,黑,及无色透明等等;有上百种生长的形态,也和多种水晶,石灰岩,大理石,白垩,以及钟乳石等等一起共生,颇为普遍多见,因此价格也多不会贵.有一种最早的冰岛(Iceland) 发现的透明无色方解石,称冰洲石 (Iceland Spar),具有强烈的双摺效率 (1.48-1.66),诺是画一条线在其底下,会被反色成两条线,常常被西方的魔法师,巫师等拿来祈求财富使用.

5.金黄色的方解石亦常被切磨成七星阵地盘,当成静心盘 (Meditation Plate),上面再摆上各色的财富水晶,有正财,有偏财,供人们冥想,祈求财富之用.

What Is Calcite?
Calcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities, and thus is a great stone for students.
Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one.
Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom.
All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that it's in. Optical calcite (Iceland Spar) is particularly good for bringing hope to fearful or stressful situations.
In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can ameliorate arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship.
Physically, calcites are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, and are generally good for healing. Clear calcite can be used for treating all conditions. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions.
Clear calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. 
Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. 
All calcites have the basic properties noted. For properties associated with different colored calcites, see the page for that particular type of calcite. See Blue,Green, Honey, Pink Manganocalcite, Orange,Red, Yellow and Other Calcites.
Chemical Composition: Ca(CO3)
Hardness (Mohs): 3
Color(s): White, Yellow, Red, Orange, Blue, Green, Brown, Gray, and more
Lustre: Vitreous
Transparency: Transparent, Translucent
Habit: Extremely variable, almost any trigonal form.
Common Locations: Found all over the world.
Rock Lore & Tidbits: The word calcite comes from the latin word calx, and the Greek word chalix, meaning "lime". Calcite is common in limestone and marble. Optical (clear) calcite has double refraction. If you lay it over a line of writing, you will see the writing show up in two lines through the calcite