孔雀石常常在铜矿的矿脉附近发现,即用亮丽的绿色,还有斑斓的纹眼,非常讨人喜爱的颜色,容易加工,却不好抛光 Malachite是原自希腊文 Malache,棉葵之意:古罗马人认为此种宝石有神力.因此用来奉献给朱诺女神(Juno 司婚姻),她的图腾正好是孔雀 (Peacock),孔雀石知名就此流传下来.
Malachite is an intensive green copper-carbonate and is very delicate as far as water, acid and heat are concerned.Most Malachites show a traversing wavy pattern.Places of origin: Ural,Chile,Arizona,Central-Africa and Australia.
Effect On The Body:
Due to its purifying power, the stone is particularly suitable for placing on painful areas of the body.Malachite has a ability not only to remove ailing energies from your body,but also makes us aware of their cause.Malachite works against infections and is therefore are exellent help to heal wounds, infections of the throat, rheumatism and arthritis. The stone works against infertility, supports in pregnancy and helps with lactation after childbirth.Malachite is excellent for infections, leukaemia, cancer at early stages, uclers and disorders of the central nervous system.Malachite is good for your pancreas and glands, your brain and your heart.It strengthens your eyes, helps with cataract and activates our self healing centre. The stone keeps away negative radiations, has a detoxicating effect and stabilises circulation.Furthermore it can be used for asthma, colics, children's complaints and toxications. Also it alleviates dislocations and bruises. Malachite is particularly helpful with Multiple-Sclerosis or Parkinson-disease.
Effect On The Psyche:
Malachite teaches us self-responsibility for our actions and to develop our life. The stone gives us clarity, self-knowledge, modesty and strengthens our expression ability. Malachite takes away our subconscious fear.
Zodiac Signs:
Malachite is assigned to Taurus, also according to the Indian tradition.
Corresponding Chacra:
Malachite is allocated to the heart-chacra,but it can also be placed and all other chacras to promote our energy flow and to loosen blockades.
We should make sure to thoroughly clean Malachite after each application.If you have a painful point anywhere on your body, put the stone on the affected area.
Offer And Care:
Malachite is available as raw stones, pendants, tumbled stones and jewellery as well as artefacts.It is best to clean Malachite in dry sea-salt, not in water, as the stone will turn matt and dull. The same can happen, if you over use Malachite e.g. in case of severe illness the stone will turn ugly.