红碧玉也是石英家族的一员,除了石髓之外,常常含有 20%以上的外来物,所以颜色的范围很广,条文花色多有变化,硬度也多有高低不同;除了红色以外,还有许多绿色,棕色等等,也都归属于同一类.主要的红色对因海底轮,对人体的生殖系统,再生系统都有助益.
Jasper is a quartz-aggregate of diverse colours, also called horn stone. Places off orgin are France, India , Egypt , the USA, the CIS and Africa.
Effect On The Body:
Red Jasper is a strong energy stone, and should always be carried directly on the body. The stone helps in pregnancy, as its effect is fortifying.Red Jasper activates the reproduction organs.With digestion problems, flatulence and constipation the stone can be a great help together with Rock-Crystal and Magnesite. Red Jasper is very good for your liver, spleen and thyroid-gland. The stone fortifies your stomach and prevents vomiting also with epilepsy, red Jasper helps a great deal. It helps to eliminate disharmony in the are of the sexual organs and helps to active the sexual glands. Red Jasper promotes regular and painless menstruation. The stone has a outstanding effect in child birth and assures a quick delivery without complications and too much pains..
Effect On The Psyche:
Red Jasper incorporates negative vibrations and keeps away negatively influenced people.Red Jasper harmonises body and soul and give us sensitivity and understanding.
Zodiac Signs:
Red Jasper is allocated to the sign of Aries and Scorpion
Corresponding Chacra:
Red Jasper belongs to the root-chacra
In case of digestion problems and stomach complaints plain a red Jasper,a Rock-Crystal and a Magnesite together in a glass of water (approx. 1 dl) during the whole night, and then drink the elixir in the morning on an empty stomach.
Offer And Care:
Red Jasper can be bought in a wide selection on the market: from raw stone to jewellery.Care is very easy:After each use for elixir,decharge under running water.If wearing as jewellery, it is quite sufficient to decharge the stone once or twice a month.