在新时代的传说中,雷瑟激光柱水晶原本储放在(雷姆尼亚)(Lemunia)地底的圣坛中,这是一个比当今文明,及上一个亚特兰提斯文明 (Atlantis)还要早的一个文明,而且是以(光)的形态存在着的.当新时代来领,才被解放到到地面上来;它的表面绉褶,扭曲,就是因为从高频率降低到地频率的物质世界的结果.这种不好看的外表,正好可以阻挡一些只求美观的好奇人士来蒐藏,炒作,而能以一个比较合议的价格,留给真正能够来利用与灵修,灵疗的修行人们.雷射激光柱水晶也是由所有新时代的灵修人士,所必备的工具.
3.在一件令人起疑,又 (毛毛的) 房物,特别需要用激光柱水晶来针对一些阴暗,潮湿,低洼的角落,彻底净化,诺能配合念经,持咒的力量执行净化,效果更佳!一班人的能力而言,建议每二,三个礼拜要做一次
4.当一个人的运气太差时,即表示其能量场太灟,太低,可以将激光往横地握着,在离肉身约 10-15公分处,将此人从头到脚,由上而下地挂除下来,可以有效消除浊气,晦气等等,有 (改运)之效.事后,激光户要彻底效磁;注意,激光柱间断绝不能指向人体,以免破坏其能量场.
5.(启动作用),对于其他在安睡,内剑状态的水晶,可以用此种白光来(启动)它们,激发出其内在的能量;也可以用来(连接) 不同颗的水晶,形成(网),(阵),(光罩)等等,有(结界)作用.
6.在一个能量场不稳定的场所,或是容易发生灵异事件,或是会遭受别人以符录,魔法,降头攻击的地方,建议在房屋四个角落各摆上一颗直径在 70-80MM以上的彩色黑耀岩圆球,再用激光柱水晶一一启动,连接,可以形成一个保护光罩(Protective Light Shield)防止各种干扰,可以视情况而.随时在于增强,固化.
What Is Laser Wand?
Laser Wand Crystals are long and often tapered Quartz crystals. They condense and focus light. They are very powerful light tools indeed.
After reading some books, people may be afraid to even pick them up. I would like to make it clear that they only slice or cut through auras if that is your focused intent!!!
Laser Wand crystals are very flexible tools and may be used in the following ways (amongst many others)
1. To draw out negativity, hold the base on the effected area and visualize the negative energy being drawn out and transferred onto light by the time it passes out the termination, you may also prefer to use a soft receiving stone to receive the negative energy and cleanse it later.
2. Put positive energy into a effected area by holding the Laser Wand and moving it in clockwork circles and visualizing white light going into the area.
3. Use them for color therapy...for example, place a colored tumbled or flat cab...say Amethyst on your 3rd eye, then place the base of the Laser Wand on the Amethyst and project the Amethyst color using visualization through your 3rd eye, going through the Amethyst then Laser and into the area that needs the purple Amethyst vibration. I find this most useful when recharging chakra's that may not have responded as well as they might during a body layout. It really adds an extra boost. You can combine this with method 2 as well. .
4. Attach small laserwands to your fingers via rubber bands and touch them to accupressure points and visualize light passing through them, the advantage of using Laserwands in this fashion is you do not have to wait for the person to breath out as you do in accupressure and you can do multiple points at once.
5. Some Laserwands have singing properties. These are actually harder than normal Quartz crystals, are very tapered and when you gently tap 2 together, make a high pitched ting sound. They are also more often than not crusty in appearance, the crustier they are the higher the pitch and vibration seems to be! One way to use them is to hold one pointed towards the body and then gently tap the other on it, move the one pointed towards the body up the body and listen for any changes in pitch, when you reach a blockage you will hear the pitch go dull, stay in that area and tap the other Laser slightly harder and after a few taps you will hear the pitch go higher again as the blockage is released and or cleared, then continue up the body as before.
6. Clear out clogged veins by visualizing a Laserwand passing through them clearing them out. I have used this technique to clear out plastic veins placed in people that have had replacements.
These are just some suggestions I have used with great success, you can if course alter any of the techniques above and come up with completely new ones your selves!