代表产地: 印度,泰国,南非,莫三鼻克
石榴石是一个大族群,以为量金属的含量不同,而有颜色上的差异,有绿色的 (如Tsavorite),但大多数是暗红,鲜红,红橙,粉红色系的,多时和海底轮相对应,能量沉稳宁静,但是一旦启动之后,后经十足,后续力量,穿透力量源源不断.
4.诺是身体有伤口久久不愈,通常是表示身体的再生能力不佳,请将石榴石纳在伤口上方 (不要直接接触),静心关想红光来笼罩,穿透伤口,能够加速伤口的痊愈.
Garnet is a red Zirconium-silicate which is transparent to opaque.The main places of discovery are: The Czech Republic/ Bohemia, Madagascar, Arizona, South Africa, East India and Australia
Effect On The Body:
Garnet is a diverse helper. It strengthens the heart and regulates circulation. Garnet brings about an increase of plasma and leukocytes as well as better assimilation of haemoglobin and stimulates blood calculation. Garnet helps with anaemia and takes away tiredness and limpness. The stone has a stimulation effect on the reproduction organs, increases sexual power and cures complaints in the region of the sexual organs. Ganet helps with impotence. It strengthens the capillary vessels, which makes the stone a valuable helper in the region of the bronchi and the lungs Garnet can be used with arthritis, rheumatism, abscesses, inflammations and skin diseases. It supports the brain and helps with weakness of the memory. Garnet strengthens the liver the spleen and the kidney.
Effect On The Psyche:
Garnet gives you joy and energy of life, has a constitutive effect and gives vitality and courage.Garnet's dark-red fierey colour transmits energy, will-power, self-confidence and success,Due to the direct influence on our hypophisis (pituary gland),Garnet is a very good stone for meditation. It enables us to build up a stronger relation to earth and therefore helps us to proceed in our terrestrial existence. Garnet is helpful against melancholy and depression
Zodiac Signs:
Garnet is assigned to Aries and Scorpion. In Indian tradition to Leo
Corresponding Chacra:
Garnet is allocted to the root-chacra
Passionate people should avoid the use of Garnet.
Offer And Care:
Garnet is available as raw stone, tumble stone (rather small pieces), pendant and jewellery.Discharge weekly under running water and charge it in the sun