绿色幻影水晶 (Quartz,Green Phantom)
代表产地 :-
特性 :香港人亦称之为[绿幽灵水晶],根本上,也是水晶一族,物理性,化学性,光学性皆同,只是在成长过程中,多包涵了一些绿色的火山泥灰的内包物(Inclusions),就成了绿色幻影水晶.相同道理,只是火山泥灰颜色的改变,也会造成[红色幻影水晶],[白色幻影水晶],或是多色的,又包涵多种内包物的[异象水晶].
在新时代的高灵(high being)赖拉里丝(Lazaris)的传导(Channelling)中,绿色是宇宙间的幸运光,我们人体的心轮也是绿色光.事实如此,就如同春天新树,小草的能量一样,欣欣向荣,丰盛,富足,美好的能量,可以吸引所有美好的事物来接近我们.因此,绿色的各种水晶宝石在新时代中就代表[财富水晶],而且是广义的财富,包括所有好运气,好运道,好机会,好朋友,贵人相助等等.绿色也被称为[正财],表示是由我们努力工作所获得的正当报酬,有别于不劳而获,意外之财的[偏财].
What Is Quartz,Green Phantom?
A Phantom is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal. While the color of Phantoms will vary from crystal to crystal, depending upon the type of mineral of which they are made, Phantoms look like the “ghost” of a crystal within another crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again. Often, the original mineral gets washed away, leaving only the Quartz to grow afterwards.
Quartz Phantoms are symbolic of universal awareness and the many phases of the cycle of life. Phantoms are believed to bring great healing to the Earth by helping to assimilate the past.
You can use Phantoms to facilitate inner growth, and when in need of help in understanding and resolving past issues in your life. Meditating with Phantoms can help one uncover hidden information and repressed memories and bring them to the surface for final resolution and release. This type of self-work can often precipitate great transformation in one’s life.
Clear Quartz Phantoms are excellent for balancing and aligning all the Chakras to the Crown Chakra. Those who are interested in spiritual growth and connection with the higher realms may find Clear Quartz Phantoms particularly helpful since the White Phantoms inside work with the Crown Chakra to integrate the experiences of the higher self into the other Chakras.
While all Phantoms are facilitators for growth, Green Chlorite Phantom Crystals specifically work on self-healing and regeneration, and facilitate detoxification. They help to ground excessive emotions into the Earth, thereby helping the user in achieving a state of balance.
Green Chlorite Phantoms are great for helping one recognize the Earth as a living being, and connecting to Her on a soul-level. Many energy workers use Green Chlorite Phantom Crystals when doing global healing, as well as personal and individual healing. Green Chlorite helps to cleanse the aura and align the chakras, and this characteristic is amplified by the Quartz which houses it.
Amethyst Phantoms are specific to spiritual growth, especially when experiencing a “plateau“. Amethyst Phantoms can inspire one to release the past by putting it into perspective and inspiring personal growth, with lessons learned.
Amethyst Phantoms can be instrumental for those working on past-life issues, and can be great for those who are experiencing blocks that inhibit their intuition. Sometimes these intuitive blocks can be a result of past negative experiences involving psychic abilities, either during childhood or in a previous life. Using an Amethyst Phantom can trigger the release of such blockages while still retaining the knowledge of how and why it occurred.
Primary Chakra: All (varies depending on color)
Astrological sign(s): All (varies depending on color)
Vibration: Number 1
Quartz Phantoms are symbolic of universal awareness and the many phases of the cycle of life. Phantoms are believed to bring great healing to the Earth by helping to assimilate the past.
You can use Phantoms to facilitate inner growth, and when in need of help in understanding and resolving past issues in your life. Meditating with Phantoms can help one uncover hidden information and repressed memories and bring them to the surface for final resolution and release. This type of self-work can often precipitate great transformation in one’s life.
Clear Quartz Phantoms are excellent for balancing and aligning all the Chakras to the Crown Chakra. Those who are interested in spiritual growth and connection with the higher realms may find Clear Quartz Phantoms particularly helpful since the White Phantoms inside work with the Crown Chakra to integrate the experiences of the higher self into the other Chakras.
While all Phantoms are facilitators for growth, Green Chlorite Phantom Crystals specifically work on self-healing and regeneration, and facilitate detoxification. They help to ground excessive emotions into the Earth, thereby helping the user in achieving a state of balance.
Green Chlorite Phantoms are great for helping one recognize the Earth as a living being, and connecting to Her on a soul-level. Many energy workers use Green Chlorite Phantom Crystals when doing global healing, as well as personal and individual healing. Green Chlorite helps to cleanse the aura and align the chakras, and this characteristic is amplified by the Quartz which houses it.
Amethyst Phantoms are specific to spiritual growth, especially when experiencing a “plateau“. Amethyst Phantoms can inspire one to release the past by putting it into perspective and inspiring personal growth, with lessons learned.
Amethyst Phantoms can be instrumental for those working on past-life issues, and can be great for those who are experiencing blocks that inhibit their intuition. Sometimes these intuitive blocks can be a result of past negative experiences involving psychic abilities, either during childhood or in a previous life. Using an Amethyst Phantom can trigger the release of such blockages while still retaining the knowledge of how and why it occurred.
Primary Chakra: All (varies depending on color)
Astrological sign(s): All (varies depending on color)
Vibration: Number 1
Mineral Class: Silicates
Family: Quartz
Crystal System: Trigonal
Chemical Composition: (SiO2) Silicon Dioxide with a variety of mineral inclusions
Hardness: 7
Mineral Class: Silicates
Family: Quartz
Crystal System: Trigonal
Chemical Composition: (SiO2) Silicon Dioxide with a variety of mineral inclusions
Hardness: 7
Color: Clear, colorless Quartz with a variety of mineral inclusions including Hematite, Chlorite, and Lithium to name a few. Other Quartz such as Smoky Quartz, Citrine and Amethyst can also be seen as phantoms within a crystal or be the main crystal which hosts the phantom.
Location: Worldwide
Rarity: Common
Fun Fact: Quartz Phantoms have also been referred to as Ghost crystals, Spectre crystals and Shadow crystals.
Color: Clear, colorless Quartz with a variety of mineral inclusions including Hematite, Chlorite, and Lithium to name a few. Other Quartz such as Smoky Quartz, Citrine and Amethyst can also be seen as phantoms within a crystal or be the main crystal which hosts the phantom.
Location: Worldwide
Rarity: Common
Fun Fact: Quartz Phantoms have also been referred to as Ghost crystals, Spectre crystals and Shadow crystals.