与岩石是一种淡绿色的清新宝石,常常栖息在玄武岩的孔腔里面,也爱和葡萄石(Prehnite),辉沸石 (Stillbite) 等宝石共生在一起;质地脆弱,不适合切磨加工,建议它自然形状来观赏,典藏,以免破坏自然晶体.
3.据西方神秘家说,在一种适度,状况良好的静心后,鱼眼石可以有效地提升个人星光体 (Astral Body)的能量场,并能与个人的指导灵,守护天使接触,了解自身此生的功课与使命/.
What Is Aphophyllite?
The name apophyllite refers to a specific group of phyllosilicates, a class of minerals. Originally, the group name referred to a specific mineral, but was redefined in 1978 to stand for a class of minerals of similar chemical makeup that comprise a solid solution series, and includes the members apophyllite-(KF), apophyllite-(KOH), and apophyllite-(NaF). The name apophyllite is derived from the Greek ἀπόΦυλλίςο apophylliso, meaning "it flakes off", a reference to this class's tendency to flake apart when heated, due to water loss. These minerals are typically found as secondary minerals in vesicles in basalt or other volcanic rocks. A recent change in the nomenclature system used for this group was approved by the International Mineralogical Association, removing the prefixes from the species names and using suffixes to designate the species.
Though relatively unfamiliar to the general public, apophyllites are fairly prevalent around the world, with specimens coming from some of the world's most well-known mineral localities. These localities include: Poona, India; the Harz Mountains of Germany, Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Kongsberg, Norway, with other locations in Scotland, Ireland,Brazil, Japan, and throughout the United States.